Friday, November 16, 2007

She is, meaning she just is

One with pride
Pride that puts even Queen's to shame
One with beauty
Beauty that's better than the stars' flame

One with joy
Joy that topoedos the waves
One with laughter
Laughter that softly roars the oceans

One, I mean, one with dignity
Dignity that puts wrong men to shame
Shame that says you unzipped vultures,
You deserve the blame

One, one that is, i mean, one that is
And by that is, i mean, just is

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Thursday, August 23, 2007

Izz on glory

Glory, here I come. - Izz

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Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Izz on faith

We can't always get it right but we must labour forth. The string-like path of life that anyone full of purpose chooses will always squeeze them a little bit tight, swing them wobbly to an almost fall. But it is at such a time that we must remember the devine word: faith. - Izz

It is not often that we attempt something that we have been failing to do for our lifetime that we get it right because we kneeled down and prayed. God only grants us that opportunity to labor our actions a little bit harder, one more time in order for us to get it right. -Izz

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Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Tears of the heart

Why does it be, why,
Why is this heart so torn apart,
Ripped into countless pieces of an unfitting puzzle

Is this heart that loves so much to be punished,
Banished to infinite desperation,
Despair-ation which knows prayer but not answers

How does it be, how
How, that I love man and hate my Creator,
Man exists with me to love and war with,
He who created exists only to deny me,
He refuses me the key to the puzzle,
The puzzle, a conundrum He tossed asunder into my life

I’m a wandering Mighty,
A royal soul trailing in the cold shadows,
Cold, dark shadows of dunes of a hot desert,
To say I’m lost is to suggest I shall be found,
To contemplate that someone is seeking me,
No, I’m not lost, I’m banished to infinite emptiness

What is this, this… this POWER,
Royal mightiness cast upon me,
A force worth all the gold in the world,
Ahhh, so valuable, so measurable, falleable,

What about my invaluable desperation,
What about the heart of my dream,
Will that too be granted,
Oh no, it is denied by He, forever denied

It is denied… denied… denied

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Monday, August 6, 2007

Izz on dreams

Pop culture teaches us that dreams are nothing but our minds going gaga over nothing. My forefathers believed otherwise and that's why their generation was wiser than our shallow nations.

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Thursday, August 2, 2007

Mikhaela’s tragedy

[]WARNING: Some readers may be offended.[]

Sob, sob, it is no use for me,
I can sob all I want, but this place,
This dark place which never shone light on me,
This eve-of-earth is my birth and death place

Sob, sob, it is of no gain,
For my mother never knew me,
I never felt the touch of her soft skin on my pain,
How my wretched skin longs for it

Sob, sob, it is fruitless tears of shame,
Consolation – this place my spirit is trapped in at least has a name,
It’s called grave

My father, I never knew,
His strong hands never caressed this dry skin,
His adoration – in his heart – flew,
I bet it was not even enough to be shamed as too lean

Sob, sob, where is my name?
What is my name?
Was I going to be named A, B, C or Z?
No, my sense, when it was not only a trapped spirit heard a voice full of buzz,
A sweet voice sang to me, Mikhaela, Mikhaela,
Mikhaela, oh Mikhaela

Was that to be my name?
I'm not Mikhaela,
There was no ceremony to name me,
I have no name

What was I to be, a girl, a boy?
Was I to be light, dark?
Was my nose to be sharp, hair curly and rich black?

Sob, sob, what do the others conceived in my time look like, like me?
Do they today life and its spoils enjoy?
Was I to play with them?
Was I to give mama and papa joy, pain, joy, pain, perhaps joy?

Trapped, trapped, will I ever escape this dark place?
At least it has a name,
And surely I don't have

Trapped trapped, will my spirit ever escape,
But I have to rejoice,
My spirit, in this dark place, must have a reason to rejoice,
For I hear mama walk, dance, sing,
And I feel her express her love,
Where is my itsy bitsy of the spoils?
Must I demand it? No, me, spirit –
I can’t make demands. No rights

When do I die as a spirit?
My body is no more, it has never been,
My eyes, with fire of the sun were never lit

Sob sob, I only die when mama is no more and stops to dance,
NO, I MUST PROTECT MAMA, I must protect mama, sob some more,
But I need to look out for my own plans,
What plans? I’m a lingering spirit banished forever in a dark place

Sob sob, I sob not for me,
I sob for mama’s protection so she doesn’t die,
But what of me?

Sob sob, I’ll linger in her womb,
No, my spirit will linger – it must not be a bomb,
Till she is no more

But no, I must protect mama.
Sob sob.

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Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Izz on pain

The recurring pain in our lives sharpens us by revealing our self-love and appreciation of life itself. But to strive to minimise pain does not take away lessons it teaches. - Izz

Pain tutors us to absorb the harder, more difficult lessons that we otherwise would not have the ability to understand in our normal merry state. - Izz

Pain is gain. Just think which: grieve or opportunity to introspect to become better a person. - Izz

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Saturday, July 28, 2007

Izz on spontaneity

Spontaneity comes with great responsibility. But because of the nature of the speed and casualty of the moment, many miss the need for the two to march as a pair. - Izz

Spontaneity must not equal insanity especially when people use it as an excuse to express their laziness for having not employed effort to stretch their minds the night before. - Izz

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Thursday, July 26, 2007

Izz on the heart and the mind

A man is a better man when he can live his life dancing to the song of his heart than struggling to hear the broken record playing from his fellow's house. - Izz

When the heart and the mind have a pact, that the heart shall lead through guidance and light, and that the mind shall plot through creativity and ingenuity, then a wiser person is born. Pity pop culture only allows that to only happen when the head is grey and the days numbered. - Izz

It is not easy, or possible, to hear the song in your heart when the mind is gallivanting in the depths of the noise of the world. Quiten your mind Sir, ... Mam. - Izz

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Monday, July 23, 2007

Izz on evil by good willing man

Evil does not reside in man because God has created in man a being in His own reflection. But you can say 'I hate the devil in them' because people do harbor evil thoughts to cause harm to others. - Izz

Man despises evil and sides with love, so he says, but it is evil that he employs when he wants to get his way where normal means do not allow it. - Izz

Most of the evil that is committed daily by innocent people could have been avoided had they simply chosen to allow their hearts to display the love that they always yearn to share. - Izz

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Friday, July 20, 2007

Izz on following one's heart and material desires

It is only at such a time that we make a pact with ourselves that it is our heart that can truly guide us to greatness that we can truly become happy beings. It is unfortunate that we let our minds rule and their rule is that which is filled with desires for material wealth at the neglect of abundant inner wealth. - Izz

We need to beat the path of our hearts in order to open up avenues that we thought never existed within our reach. The replenishing warmth of shadows of such infinite avenues, as we walk them, is where our true happiness shall be felt. - Izz

Many believe that material will provide them with ease in their hearts, they are wrong, such is greed luring them. Many hold as a belief that abondoning material wealth cleanses their hearts and purifies their souls, they are wrong, such is guilt robbing them. The wise, however, find in their hearts guidance on balancing the aspirations of the mind with the tranquil needs of their hearts, they are right, for life is made of material and spirit. - Izz

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Thursday, July 19, 2007

Izz on conflict and ego

Beneath each conflict, personal and commune; small and large, lies a misunderstanding that could be resolved were egos to be left at the door and love allowed to prevail. - Izz

Conflicts are misunderstandings whose masters are often found to be egos. - Izz

It is when we fail to compromise, when tolerance doesn't characterise the fabric of our hearts that we fight, to death if be, our fellows, forgetting that by doing so, we are fighting our hearts' cry to connect and love. - Izz

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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

I am what I am

I am big, big as the Himalayas where my fathers played seek and hide on;
I am big, big as the Kilimanjaro that my forefathers medidated on;
I am big, big as the fists of the freedom fighters that fought on;

I am beautiful, beautiful as the sun kissed dunes of the Kalahari;
I am beautiful, beautiful as the moon whose light caress the valleys of St. Lucia;
I am pretty, pretty as the lillies that drape the curves of Tanzania;

I am, I am what I am because Africa is big, beautiful and pretty;
I am, I am what I am because Africa is big, beautiful and lovely;
I am, I am what I am, because I am lucky to be born in the midst of Africa, earths own beauty;

I am strong, strong like the baobab tree whose roots drink in the womb of the earth;
I am strong, strong like the continent's elephant whose footsteps shake the world from South to North;
I am tough, tough like the jaw of the Hyena, whose mysterious force crafted the only face-like continent with its teeth;

I am creative, creative like the meander of the Nile whose motion intrigues minds;
I am creative, creative like the African stars whose twinkle hypnotyzes the gods;
I am smart, smart like the San hunter whose sharpness and speed bedazzles the tigers;

Oh I am good, so good I know the colorful fabrics of Nigeria and Venda celebrate my heritage;
Oh I am worthy, so worthy I know the rain drops of Queen Modjadji celebrate my care for the soil of our climate change age;
Oh my, I am damned great, so great like the water-smoke of the Victoria Falls waters the lillies that beautify heaven's own Main Avenue;

I am, I am what I am because Africa is strong, tough but smart;
I am, I am what I am because Africa is good, worthy but damned great;
I am, I am what I am, because I am lucky to be born in the midst of Africa, earth's own strength;

I am, I am what I am; I am an African;
Like Mbeki sang, sang, sang, and sang again an eternal echo of hope that I am an African;
So I am, I am what I am, because my Africa is beautiful.

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Saturday, June 30, 2007

Big poetry in progress

WARNING: Seriously fired up poetry ahead.