Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Izz on faith

We can't always get it right but we must labour forth. The string-like path of life that anyone full of purpose chooses will always squeeze them a little bit tight, swing them wobbly to an almost fall. But it is at such a time that we must remember the devine word: faith. - Izz

It is not often that we attempt something that we have been failing to do for our lifetime that we get it right because we kneeled down and prayed. God only grants us that opportunity to labor our actions a little bit harder, one more time in order for us to get it right. -Izz

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1 comment:

pdii said...

i believe and i have faith, i pray and i prayed....at times i get tired but i know Hes somewhere there....only it doesnt show right away, and it takes quite some while to show. and i never gave up, no matter how hard it was but i always believed in His miracles, i still stand, His miracles are great...and i have faith...faith ..faith. i dream,i live, i sing i dance by faith,