Friday, July 20, 2007

Izz on following one's heart and material desires

It is only at such a time that we make a pact with ourselves that it is our heart that can truly guide us to greatness that we can truly become happy beings. It is unfortunate that we let our minds rule and their rule is that which is filled with desires for material wealth at the neglect of abundant inner wealth. - Izz

We need to beat the path of our hearts in order to open up avenues that we thought never existed within our reach. The replenishing warmth of shadows of such infinite avenues, as we walk them, is where our true happiness shall be felt. - Izz

Many believe that material will provide them with ease in their hearts, they are wrong, such is greed luring them. Many hold as a belief that abondoning material wealth cleanses their hearts and purifies their souls, they are wrong, such is guilt robbing them. The wise, however, find in their hearts guidance on balancing the aspirations of the mind with the tranquil needs of their hearts, they are right, for life is made of material and spirit. - Izz

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